RFI Improvements and Adjustments – Borgo San Lorenzo
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The projects carried out for RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) involved a series of complex and diverse interventions aimed at improving and upgrading railway infrastructure. Specifically, the projects have included:
- Renovation and Seismic Adaptation of Railway Stations: These interventions aimed to ensure the structural safety of existing stations through consolidation and reinforcement works to resist seismic events.
- Construction of Shelters and Sidewalks: New waiting spaces and passenger paths within stations were designed and constructed, improving accessibility and comfort.
- Construction of Pedestrian and Driveway Underpasses: These interventions included the creation of pedestrian underpasses within stations and driveway underpasses along the railway line, facilitating movement and improving safety at crossing points.
- Installation of Barriers, Containment Walls and Piling: Structures were erected to ensure soil stability, prevent landslides and ensure safety along the railroad track.
These projects represent significant efforts to upgrade and modernize rail infrastructure, with the aim of improving operational efficiency, safety and comfort for passengers and vehicles.